We received a call today to go down to Tak beach and see what is going on there. A surfer called a friend so I called some friends and we went to look. This is what we saw:
These creosote soaked pieces of wood are all over the beach and in the water.
They might come from this big pile of wood which stinks of creosote.
Some of it may come from the dismantling of the flume.

This is the Whale Pond Brook flowing into the ocean where the flume used to be.
If you see something that you think may not be right, don’t hesitate to call 877 warnDEP.
Additionally, due to construction around the lake and flume area, reports have been made that diesel fuel is leaking into the ocean. This past weekend, surfers noticed huge slicks of fuel in the water. The fuel covered their wet suits and was likely leaking from the trucks working around the lake. In addition, the construction has caused trash buildup around the Takanassee jetty which has yet to be cleaned.
Also, construction on the house located at the end of Plaza Court has caused styrofoam trash to cover the beach. Individuals have reported that the construction crews there have discarded styrofoam so as to allow the trash to essentially “rain down” onto the beach and into the water.