The first picture was taken today from the high water line looking west towards the flume. The picture below it was taken Dec 27 looking east from the flume.

The wood is no longer visible at Tak beach. There is one dumpster with wood pieces. It is gratifying to know that a call to 877-warnDEP really does work. Thanks to Laura Fonde, Office of Emergency Management, Bureau of Emergency Response for alerting Dave Sorenson, Monmouth County Health Department. He went to the site and requested that the wood be removed immediately. We also received a call from the DEP Coastal Enforcement Office, Michelle Kropilak who said DEP inspectors will be there again tomorrow to check the site.
Thanks to all the people in this community who showed that you care about our watershed.
We received a call today to go down to Tak beach and see what is going on there. A surfer called a friend so I called some friends and we went to look. This is what we saw:
These creosote soaked pieces of wood are all over the beach and in the water.
They might come from this big pile of wood which stinks of creosote.
Some of it may come from the dismantling of the flume.
This is the Whale Pond Brook flowing into the ocean where the flume used to be.
If you see something that you think may not be right, don’t hesitate to call 877 warnDEP.
This spot is located on the north east side of the exit from the Ocean Township Swim Club. The street is called Louise Weltz Lane.
Yesterday was a great day at the prestigious Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association.
Kate Hutelmyer and Ed Difiglia, both from the Watershed’s Policy Division, gave us a tour of their new Watershed Center for Environmental Advocacy, Science and Education, a LEED Platinum building in Pennington, NJ. Here are some highlights!
Pictured from Left to Right: Ed Difiglia, Bob Sandberg, Faith Teitelbaum, Ray Pogwist, Jeff King, Laura Bagwell and Kate Hutelmyer
Solar and geothermal technologies provide about 85% of the building’s energy needs.
What an inviting and sun-filled room.
A vegetated roof reduces runoff, reduces heat island effect, improves air quality, increases biodiversity, reduces noise, improves energy efficiency, acts as a fire retardant, and increases the longevity of roof membranes. SO much good!
….and the solar hot water is highly efficient.
Note the “bird’s beak” funnels rainwater from the roof down to a rock garden and then a rain garden .
Reduces storm water runoff and purifies the water as it recharges the aquifer, and provides habitat.
Using Plants, soil, and microorganisms to treat wastewater instead of traditional wastewater treatment results in water that is cleaner and it is also more effective in infiltrating water into the aquifer.
Getting rid of your plastic water bottle habit is easier when you can refill your reusable water bottle at water fountains like this one. This fountain has saved 2,084 plastic bottles of water. This model is called the Halsey Taylor HydroBoost.
Plus more!
Helping to increase the population of native butterflies, including the Monarch Butterly, the Kate Gorrie Butterfly House is used to raise monarch butterflies and set them free each year.
Visit them during their butterfly festival!
Environmental Library
Education center with wildlife, too! Check out the corn snake, walking sticks and huge freshwater tank.
A model of the watershed – press a button to light up the streams and tributaries of the Stony Brook – Millstone Watershed
Solar panels: Free and renewable electricity from the sun – our best source of energy. For information on solar, see:
Rain garden: A rain garden is quite wonderful – habitat and rainwater recharge; it is all good. Build a rain garden today! For more information on how to build one, see:
Stop using plastic: Take the pledge to not use plastic bottles! Also take a plastic inventory of your home and lifestyle and see how you can reduce or stop using it. It’s everywhere, polluting the watershed and ultimately the oceans, strangling and suffocating wildlife.
Until next time, thank you for all you do to help the watershed!
We did so much work today that we actually finished clearing Ross Island, for now. By next spring the sticker bushes we cut down will be easily removed.
So we now have a clear view from the Ross Lake Park to the stone hut.
Ross Lake clean up Dec 12 2015
This is what we saw when we first arrived at the Tak Trestle trail……a swan with a broken neck. Who would be so cruel to these beautiful birds? If you see anyone abusing our beautiful feathered friends or any animal, please contact the Monmouth County SPCA Humane Police Chief:
800-582-5979 or if immediate emergency: call 732-542-0040.
Don’t hold back, just do it…make the call.
A glorious day filled with sunshine and good deeds was experienced by volunteers today as we cleaned up around Takanassee Lake and the Old Waterworks. The lake was exceptionally low and we got to clean places we never saw before.
A kayaker went into the Old Water Works and pulled out debris unreachable from the shore. We pulled out a few tires, a Stop and Shop shopping cart and a giant ceramic pipe among other things. Will Johnson, Monmouth County Clean Communities helped by supplying all the bags, litter picks, a truck, a smile and a winch to get the a ceramic pipe out of the lake.
After a few hours at Tak, a few of us decided to go over and try to save our Ross Island Stone Hut platform. This platform was made by our stone mason, Ken Manzi during Phase I of the stone hut restoration. After two years of being hitched to a tree on Ross Island, it had become dislodged and was wedged under the Van Court bridge. One of our brave volunteers jumped on the platform, grabbed a giant tree branch and started moving it back towards the island. After a while we hitched it to a strong rope and pulled it into shore, where it is moored until our clean-up on the island next Saturday. Please join us: Ross Lake Park – Elinore Ave Long Banch
We are done with clean-ups for now. See you in the spring!